Seshat offers several services to help authors complete their manuscripts:

  • Editing  -  .03 cents per word

        The editing package includes having one of our editors review your work for grammatical and/or   
        spelling errors and a light edit for suggestions to improve the clarity and organization of your work. 
        You will have the final decision to approve the changes to the manuscript.

  • Cover Art (Template) - $60

       The template cover art is in a format (e.g., .tiff or .jpg.) that will allow buyers to view it in a .pdf
       document format.

  • Document Conversion -  $20

        If you submit a document to us in .rtf format how will your readers be able to read it?  No problem!
       We'll convert it to .pdf (Portable Document Format).  This is the download format we provide to    
       enable readers to access the e-book and read it using Adobe Acrobat Viewer.

  • Posting Fee - $20/year

        We charge a posting fee to place your information on our Web site and to store your files for

  • Author Web page -  $100/yr.

       We'll create an author Web page that links to the description of your e-book.  It will include a 
       photo and a short bioograhy. Use the author Web page to promote your e-book to friends, 
       family and fans.

  • Press Release - $100

       A press release is one of the best ways to make announcements to local and online media, to
       get the word out about you and your e-book.

  • Audio sample of your book $99

       Seshat Press can record a 150 word audio sample from a section of your book that you select. 
       This is an excellent way to let your potential customers hear about 60 seconds of your work.

  • Article Submission  -  $135 (articles prepared by author)

       Send us five (5) of your articles we’ll proofread and check them for any errors, optimize them for the           search engines, then MANUALLY submit them to the top rated article sites. We follow Search 
       Engine guidelines and ensure that your site is not banned. Also, we manually submit your articles      
       because automated software could place your articles into the wrong categories--that might cause 
       a problem in the image you want to maintain for you business, or e-book. 

  • Article Submission -  $270 (articles prepared by Seshat Press)

       We will write three (3) articles for you and submit them to the top rated article sites. You get 
       manual submission of your articles in the proper categories to bring you and your e-book 
       maximum exposure.

  • Ghost Writing - Starting at $30/hour (and up)

       Do you have a good idea for an e-book, but no idea about how to "put it all together"?  Let one of our
       professional writers help you decide the best, easiest way to turn your valuable knowledge into an
       e-book.  An e-book is a useful tool that you can use to communicate to a large number of people.             Use your e-book to promote your business, establish yourself in your area of expertise, make extra
       income--in fact, you can do all three!  

  • Copyright registration - $45/per work

Just what is a copyright and why is it important?  A copyright gives you added protection against
        people who might try to copy your work. So, if you'd rather not do it yoursef, we will register your   
        work online with the US Copyright Office.  

Publish with Us  (Publishing Services)
Indicate the number of words in your manuscript,  then press "Submit"